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Date : 2015-09-08
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 15
Category : Book

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KOBEE MANATEE A Wild Weather Adventure Robert Scott ~ In KOBEE MANATEE A WILD WEATHER ADVENTURE Kobee travels the treacherous waters along with a few friends Robert Scott Thayer writes an engaging story full of educational information The story is written in firstperson from the perspective of Kobee Manatee
KOBEE MANATEE A Wild Weather Adventure ~ Kobee Manatee and his two friends Tess the seahorse and Pablo the hermit crab encounter wild tropical weather on their adventure from Key West Florida to Nassau in the Bahamas Don’t miss the fun as they surprise Kobee’s sister Kim on her birthday and visit exciting sea worlds along the way
Kobee ManateeChildrens Books that Entertain Educate ~ In Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure by Robert Scott Thayer Kobee and his pals are anticipating a rough journey on the Atlantic Ocean as they plan to surprise Kobee Manatee’s sister Kim for her birthday Kim lives in the Bahamas and their journey is during the hurricane season
Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure by Robert Scott ~ Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers Favorite In Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure by Robert Scott Thayer Kobee and his pals are anticipating a rough journey on the Atlantic Ocean as they plan to surprise Kobee Manatees sister Kim for her birthday Kim lives in the Bahamas and their journey is during the hurricane season
Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure Kindle edition ~ In KOBEE MANATEE A WILD WEATHER ADVENTURE Kobee travels the treacherous waters along with a few friends Robert Scott Thayer writes an engaging story full of educational information The story is written in firstperson from the perspective of Kobee Manatee
Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure by Robert Scott Thayer ~ I really enjoyed Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure by Robert Scott Thayer As a mother of small children I felt that the book was a great way to teach fun ocean weather facts The illustrations were colorful and eyecatching and are sure to hold childrens interests The story was fastpaced and adventurous
Customer reviews KOBEE MANATEE A Wild ~ Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure by Robert Scott Thayer This is the second of the Kobee Manatee books Kobe the Manatee and his friends want to visit his sister in the Bahamas but run into some scary weather along the way Can they swim from Florida to Nassau during hurricane season and make it in time for her big birthday party
Review of Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure ~ With stunning images accompanying an adventurous tale that teaches young readers interesting weather and geographical facts Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure is a delight Kobee and his seafaring pals are on a voyage across the Gulf Stream to surprise his sister Kim for her birthday in her home waters of Nassau
Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure ~ Kobee Manatee A Wild Weather Adventure Ateacher’sguidecreatedbyMarcieColleen baseduponthepicturebook writtenbyRobertScottThayerandillustratedbyLaurenGallegos
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