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Date : 2015-07-15
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Asthma Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment ~ Asthma is a longterm disease of the lungs You might hear your doctor call it a chronic respiratory disease It causes your airways to get inflamed and narrow and makes breathing difficult Coughing wheezing shortness of breath and chest tightness are classic asthma symptoms
Asthma Types causes and diagnosis ~ Asthma is an incurable illness of the airways The disease causes inflammation and narrowing inside the lung restricting air supply The symptoms of asthma often present in periodic attacks or episodes of tightness in the chest wheezing breathlessness and coughing During the development of asthma
Asthma Symptoms and causes Mayo Clinic ~ Allergyinduced asthma triggered by airborne substances such as pollen mold spores cockroach waste or particles of skin and dried saliva shed by pets pet dander When to see a doctor Seek emergency treatment Severe asthma attacks can be lifethreatening Work with your doctor to determine what to do when your signs and symptoms worsen
Asthma Definition of Asthma at ~ Asthma definition a paroxysmal often allergic disorder of respiration characterized by bronchospasm wheezing and difficulty in expiration often accompanied by coughing and a feeling of constriction in the chest
Asthma definition of asthma by Medical dictionary ~ Asthma is a chronic longlasting inflammatory disease of the airways In those susceptible to asthma this inflammation causes the airways to spasm and swell periodically so that the airways narrow The individual then must wheeze or gasp for air
Asthma Steps in testing and diagnosis Mayo Clinic ~ Asthma Steps in testing and diagnosis Asthma Steps in testing and diagnosis Diagnosing asthma generally includes a medical history physical exam and lung tests Asthma diagnosis is based on several factors including a detailed medical history a physical exam your symptoms and overall health and test results
What does asthma mean definitions ~ Asthma Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms reversible airflow obstruction and bronchospasm Common symptoms include wheezing coughing chest tightness and shortness of breath Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors
Asthma Wikipedia ~ Asthma is a common longterm inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms reversible airflow obstruction and easily triggered bronchospasms Symptoms include episodes of wheezing coughing chest tightness and shortness of breath These may occur a few times a day or a few times per week Depending on the person asthma symptoms may become worse at night or with exercise Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and
How is Spirometry Used to Diagnose Asthma ~ How often do I need to do spirometry for asthma Spirometry can be used to see how lung function changes over time A decline in lung function increases the risk of an asthma attack Spirometry should be done after treatment has started and symptoms have stabilized
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