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Date : 2005-11-01
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Rating : 5.0
Reviews : 9
Category : Book

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Elephant Rescue During Tsunami ~ Origins One of the miraculous stories to emerge in the aftermath of the devastating tsunami of 26 December 2004 asserted that tamed elephants had of their own volition returned to the scene
Elephants of the Tsunami Jana Laiz 9780977181834 Amazon ~ ELEPHANTS OF THE TSUNAMI is a true story of rescue and survival Originally a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book was to be donated exclusively to Tsunami Relief
Elephants of the Tsunami by Jana Laiz Goodreads ~ Elephants of the Tsunami Elephants of the Tsunami is based on a true story about eight working elephants of Thailand who during the 2004 South Asian Tsunami freed themselves from their bonds and raced down to the beach to rescue nearly fifty people who otherwise would have been consumed by the sea
Did Animals Sense Tsunami Was Coming ~ About an hour before the tsunami hit Corea said people at Yala National Park observed three elephants running away from the Patanangala beach World Wildlife Fund an organization that
Senses helped animals survive the tsunami NBC Nightly ~ Jong Kits elephants’ intuition was very lucky for four Japanese tourists who had climbed aboard them the day of the tsunami They all survived carried on the elephants’ backs to the hills
How British girl saved from tsunami by elephant inspired ~ While it was inspired by real life events in 2004 the fictionalised novel and play actually star a schoolboy named Will who visited Indonesia and was riding an elephant when the tsunami hit
Did they sense the tsunami Telegraph ~ About an hour before the tsunami hit people in Yala observed three elephants running away from the Patanangala beach says Corea His friends have given him other striking accounts In
How Ning Nong the elephant saved me from the tsunami ~ Amber Owen was in Phuket Thailand at the time of the tsunami in 2004 She was riding Ning Nong the elephant when the devastating wave struck
Effect of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on Thailand ~ On a beach in Thailand a man was leading an elephant to entertain tourists when the tsunami came The elephants natural instinct to flee the sea saved the life of a young girl who was upon his back
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